Joe Williams from UC Davis discusses HSA

Given the renewed interest in upstream oxidation, here’s a great outline of the topic.

Among other topics, Joe discusses why homebrewers and small breweries should be more concerned. (AKA square cube law.)


Those MBAA podcasts are always full of great information. Thx for the link.

If memory serves there was some guy here who said these same things way back when. He was run out on a rail.

Just to clear things up (once again!) he was banned because of his delivery, not the message. I understand you constantly feel the need to stir the pot on this, but you weren’t a moderator receiving daily complaints about “his” conduct and constant bickering with other forum members.

Rock → Moderators ← Hardplace

And, if this thread gets locked it will be because it was derailed – not because of its message.

Thus the key word used by lupulus, “renewed”. It’s been over 5 years, dude. That first year, while I was an early adopter to it, was not a fun time to be on the forums. Let’s not make it that way again.


Way to continue to deliver the message in a way that ensures no one listens.

No worries.  He can always start up a fourth or fifth account if he wants.

I foresee lockage approaching.


I don’t think we need to let it get there.

I did listen to the podcast and it was good, a lot of technical terms thrown around for the less science-y brewers. I prefer a little bit of art and a little bit of science when it comes to brewing.

Did he seriously make alt accounts?

Post isn’t showing up DMTaylor

Near the end of the podcast, when answering how you can tell if you have too much HSA, the guest mentioned something that sounded like “tea formation”. Can someone explain to me what he meant?

Teig formation, the top dough.  I thought that was interesting because I never knew it was related to oxidation.  Apparently it was mentioned here a while back:

Thanks for the explanation and reference. I have never seem teig and had no idea it existed.

That was on purpose.  I’s basically saying, I was going to say something, then decided not to say something, and letting you know that I was going to say something but then decided not to say something.

And now, I know that you know that I know something that you know I won’t say anything about.


Teig is like a grey mud. It’s a tell tale sign of mash oxidation.

I got it a while back. Not pretty.

Bier bewusst genießen

I think I’ve seen it once or twice over the course of 586 batches, so not common.

If you aren’t recirculating with a pump, it definitely won’t accumulate.

Well I for one didn’t mind his delivery style and because of that managed to learn a lot from him.

You may see this post as off topic but in my opinion this subject will always be connected to the person that dropped it here first.