Joint Cascade Brewers Cup and Puget Sound Pro-Am Competition Announcement

The Cascade Brewers Guild, Boeing Employees Wine and Beer Makers Club, and Impaling Alers are proud to announce that for 2012, the Cascade Brewers Cup and Puget Sound Pro-Am will be joining forces for one incredible competition.  For what we will expect to be the largest Washington homebrewing competition ever, we will be bringing the best aspects of our competitions into one event.  It will combine the great judging and prizes of the Cascade Brewers Cup, one of Washington’s longest running competitions, with the excitement the of Puget Sound Pro-Am giving you the chance to compete to have your beer brewed by one of more than a dozen local breweries and sent on to the Great American Beer Festival’s Pro-Am Competition.  We’ll be mustering the best from our rapidly growing BJCP certified judge pool (now in the top 10 largest state pools in the country) to bring you the high-quality feedback you expect from both competitions.  This will also be a Washington Homebrewer of the Year qualifying event where you can rack up some big points.  With the combined effort of three clubs, this promises to be one of the best run competitions that you’ll ever enter.
The main competition is currently planned for Saturday, March 10th with entries being due Saturday, March 3rd at a wide variety of drop locations.  The competition will be open to beers requiring 3 bottles per entry as well as meads and ciders (only 2 bottles needed).  Each entry will be $6 with a limit of 12 entries per person.  Judges and volunteers, you’ll get $1 off each entry for helping out!  We will be conducting an early round of judging on Friday, March 9th to help get through all of the entries so come out for some extra judging points!
We will be posting more information on the competition over the holiday at the central website here:
We want everyone to put the following important dates on their calendar to start planning now!  We look forward to seeing all of your best products as well as your best judging this March!
Today – Start brewing
January – On-line Registration begins for entries, judges and stewards
March 3rd – Deadline for Drop-off and Mail-in entries
March 9th – Friday Judging Session (Register on-line to judge or steward)
March 10th – Saturday Judging Session (Register on-line to judge or steward)
Joint Cascade Brewers Cup and Puget Sound Pro-Am Team