July 30, 2010 - Goose Island Beer Co. AHA Rally

Chicago-land Brewers – Join homebrewers & beer lovers from all around Chicago for an AHA Rally, next Friday! Details are listed below.

Clubs - If you would like to represent your club at this event, please let me know. I can get a table set aside for you.

Date: Friday, July 30, 2010
Time: 6-9 pm
Rally Host: Goose Island Beer Company
Address: 1800 W. Fulton Street, Chicago, IL, 60612
Web: www.gooseisland.com

Space is Limited! RSVP Now: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dE12M3QybjNYTXMtWTUzcU9wVDZJUlE6MA

Entrance to the event includes:
• VIP Brewery Tour!
• Receive complimentary beer samples from Goose Island Beer Company: Sofie, Pere Jacques, Bourbon County Stout, Bourbon County Vanilla Stout, Green Line and IPA. Plus a special tapping of beers from Goose Island’s Lincoln Park Brewery!
• Meet Goose Island brewers: Brett Porter, Wil Turner and Jared Rouben
• Mingle with beer industry notables: Ray Daniels (author & Cicerone Certification Program), Keith Lemcke (Siebel Institute), Randy Mosher (author), Jeff Sparrow (author), Chris White (White Labs) and Kathryn Porter Drapeau (Brewers Association).
• An opportunity to mingle with other Chicago-land homebrewers.
• Chance to win great prizes from the AHA and Goose Island Beer Company!
• Each attendee gets a Goose Island bottle opener.

American Homebrewers Association (AHA) Rallies are free to current AHA members. Non-members can or sign up at a discounted rate at the door.

Fill-in and print this AHA Rally Member Form and take it with you to the event: http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/attachments/0000/4249/AHAMemberForm2010Rally.pdf


Kathryn Porter Drapeau | AHA Membership Coordinator
Brewers Association | www.HomebrewersAssociation.org

I’m so mad I won’t be able to make it! i’ll be running the Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon that Sunday. Need my rest (aka beer detox)!

I’m a new member and have RSVP’d for for mine and my wife’s attendance at the Goose Island Rally.  Question:  Does she (non-member) have to sign up to gain entry?


If you don’t yet have a Family Membership, you’ll need to upgrade to get your wife on your membership. The cost is only $5 for each year left on your membership. It’s totally worth it though. Not only will she get to attend the Rally, but she’ll also get her own AHA member card to use at Pub Discount locations.

Here’s a link to the AHA Rally member form so you can check out the options. http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/attachments/0000/4249/AHAMemberForm2010Rally.pdf

Send me an email if you have more questions.

See you Friday!