Karate chopping auto siphon

I have an ss brewtech brewbucket arriving Friday. I’m very excited to rid my brewing of auto siphons. Straight from fermenter to keg liquid out, yess 8)

They are nice fermentors, I’m sure you will enjoy.

Here’s an older post that shows one of the ways in which you can do a closed loop transfer or transfer under CO2 pressure if you prefer (which is what I have since switched to).


Nice ! I was going to see what I could rig up once I got mine. They sell a kit now with tc fittings but it seems unnecessary for the application.

Why all the auto siphon hate out there. I don’t use one since I transfer under pressure, but manually starting siphons is a balancing act that I’d rather avoid.

The years I used them I loved them and never had an issue as long as I clamped the tube. Yeah I went through one about every 6-12 months but have never understood the hate.

Far better to rack under pressure into a purged vessel if possible though.

Thanks for posting that, I’m going to rig up something similar for mine.

I hate autosiphons because cleaning them sucks! They’re longer than my sink, only way I ever thought that worked was soaking them in a carboy/using them to drain a carboy. Even then I still replaced mine regularly, then moved on to a stainless racking cane. Still a pain, but at least I can bake it in the oven to sterilize it.

Always just rinsed mine and pumped sani through. Never a prob

No auto siphon was actually harmed…yet. It’s always been a first world brewing problem to me. Getting out the auto siphon, sanitizing siphon, moving my arm to start siphon, standing, holding the siphon, cleaning  siphon, realizing that there are micro cracks in siphon, ignoring those cracks, getting a new siphon…

Never used an autosiphon.  Always hated siphoning.  Rigged up my aquarium pump to the carboy years ago to start the siphon, moved on to closed transfers with CO2.  Still hate siphoning.

For the first few years I brewed I manually started siphons. Yuck. Autosiphon makes life a lot easier. I don’t transfer under pressure so it’s all autosiphon all the time.

I just picked up a small barrel that has a bung hole too narrow for my autosiphon. Back to manual siphon. Yuck.

He-he-he.  I was in the camp of gargle first with vodka, and don’t forget to wet your lips.

Been there and done that on my first batch or two. Agreed - yuck.  ;D