You can see the whole build here:
Part 1 - =
Part 2 - =
Completed the build.
Update 10/30 - Finished. So the short version. The plywood recommendation worked. Flange did not. Thank you for the suggestion!
Have not completed the “plumbing.” Will do that when son is back in town.
I’ve purchased a 3 tap brushed stainless “T-Style” tower mount and want to install it onto my keezer lid. Couple of concerns and would like to know how people handled previously. Concerns:
- I need to know if I need to reinforce the connection with the top so it doesn’t rip out of the metal.
- Any suggestions on keeping the tower cold?
Thanks in advance.
Update - 10/28/17
Here are the photos of where build is currently. A couple of issues that I wanted to tackle and then how I ended up handling. Still have some tweaks, but by end of day should have tower and drip tray mounted.
- Freezer model - Magic Chef HMCF7W2 - 6.9 cu ft freezer - Home Depot closeout $169
Built three sided enclosure on casters. Stained with ebony furniture stain. Will cover with weathered boards. Will also mount supports inside to limit how much top will open.
Had to replace hinges. Original are plastic and would work for regular top, but not with additional wood, draft tower, drain.
Wanted to reinforce tower on the underside of the keezer lid.
Just wanted the flange. It fits very nicely inside the base of the tower.
Will be drilling hole into lid and mounting plate today. Will use construction adhesive on the underside and seal the top with silicone.
Drip tray. Will be mounting on surface of plywood and the weathered boards will give it a built-in appearance.
Tower, pre-mount. Have Perlick faucets that will be affixed later.
Weathered boards. Wife will layout the pattern. Will glue and tack on with panel nails. Sealing after mounting.
Four used pin-locks. Got new lids and o-rings. Also picked up 10# refurbished CO2 tank. Filled while I wait at local gas supply spot.
That’s it for now. Will post more photos after today’s work session.
As always, comments and suggestions are welcome.