Keg Carbonation

Do you force carbonate or let your beer sit for a couple of weeks. Why? I can’t imagine using 25-30 PSI uses 3x more gas than 10 PSI at 2 weeks.

Secondly, what is the optimum temperature for carbonating? I was surprised that colder temps equaled a faster carbonation. Somewhat counter intuitive coming from the bottling world.

I use both methods. They both work, but to achieve nice, fine carbonation, it takes 2 weeks for the hydration of CO2 occurs. That part can’t be rushed, its chemistry.

I recommend the slow method because you are allowing your beer to condition and clear while carbonating.

That being said, both methods work and both use approximately the same about of co2. The only difference is gas in the headspace which has to be bled off when using 25-30 PSI method.

I like the the slow time/temp method best, but I have used the shake method in the past to get a keg ready quickly. Justin, there is no single optimum temp for carbing, just that in general beer will absorb CO2 more readily at colder temps. You can carb warmer, but you have to set the regulator at a quite a bit higher pressure. Just use a good chart like this one to reference whatever your serving temp is and use that to set your regulator. Easy peasy.

I go the slow route. I am new to kegging and need to make some adjustments to the pressure once the beer is carbed up. I tend to start them a little too high than back it down a few psi. I like that it clears while it carbs up and when it ready the beer is looking good.