Keg poppets

I bought a corney keg from my local brew shop and was told to remove the poppets to clean them. I had a heck of a time getting them out and bent one of them slightly. Now when I take the gas line off of the keg it takes a second for the poppet to seal itself. My questions are who removes the poppets to clean them and what is the best say to get them out?

I remove them but it’s easy on my kegs, they just pop right out when I pull the…stem? connector? my vocabularly engine has just stalled out… post! yeah that’s it post!

THere are a couple different styles of poppit/post configurations though so my experience is probably not applicable to your situation

I do and I use a small screwdriver ( from a PC tool kit ) to help move the “feet” but not too hard.  Sometimes they just need a little nudge.

I only take them out when I do a full cleaning and gasket replace…maybe once or twice a year.  Otherwise I just run cleaner through them with my keg washer.

This ^^^^^^^^

Most of mine come right out when you pull the post.  Some require a little persuasion, which can be just rapping the post down onto a counter top.

If you ever have to replace poppets, you should check out universal poppets.

Last time I got my tanks refilled the guy at the shop was singing the praises of the universal poppet.  They distribute their own soda mix, and he said that the universal poppets have eliminated lots of maintenance with their kegs.

Mine almost always just fall right out with a couple of gentle taps.  I do have one frankenkeg though that I’ve tried multiple types of poppets in with no success.  I’ve been thinking of trying the universal poppets in it but haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Thanks for your replies. I am going to replace the poppet I bent with the universal poppet.

I have about 3 of the universals in use, and one in reserve, just in case.

I try and take them out each time as well. Even when running cleaner and sanitizer through them under pressure then taking them out I’ve found residuals in them.

Some of the ones that are really tight just need the feet squeezed together a bit to come out more easily. Most if not all sit on top of the dip tubes when snug, so no reason they need to be jammed up into the post itself.

I’ve yet to take the liquid poppet out since I run BLC through, but I’m pretty new at this.  I tried once, but it was pretty difficult since I didn’t have the right tools for the job, so I gave up.  You shouldn’t need to take the gas side out, should you?

things can get kinda gross in there, even the gas side. I run PBW through it each time I clean the keg but every few times I take everything apart, run a dip tube brush through the tubes, soak everything in PBW and make sure the gunk is gone. I also like to do this with the cobra/picnic taps every once in a while.

When I do a breakdown of the kegs, the posts and poppets get boiled to kill any nasties. The dip tube get the brush treatment.

Just as an aside, I cleaned up 3 kegs that I got recently from the LHBS, which had a lot of kegs come in. One had a hard to identify blue liquid, one had a red liquid that smelled like red pop, and the third a yellow fluid that smelled like old Mountain Dew - and not in a good way. These kegs all got broken down, cleaned, posts boiled, and the o-rings replaced.

My issue is getting the lids to seal properly.  I even have the extra thick o-rings from William’s brewing as well.  Argh!
Oh, I guess I do have “IN” side sealing issues too.  If the disconnect isn’t on there right, I can hear a hiss.  I want to get some brand new kegs.

Brand new kegs are pricey!

If you don’t already do this, I’ve found that an initial 30 lbs of pressure will usually seat the lids just fine.  If you’re carbing at serving temp you can back the pressure down after you seat the lids.

I have a few posts that don’t like to re-seat when I take the gas off, even with new poppets.  These are candidates for the universal poppet next time I get around to it.

Yeah they are expensive, but they’re brand new and never been used and will last forever.  I do seal the keg with 30 PSI every time though.

Do you use any keg lube?  That helps seal things too.