Keg posts

Dont see any stickies on the topic, so which post is grooved on a ball lock keg? First timer, I know you all can tell me the answer quicker than I can search for it on here

On a ball lock keg the post with the grooves in it or with the serrated looking base is gas in.

Thanx Jeffy you rock

Welcome to kegging, Frank!

“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

Thanx JT, I have one keg, and one only…for now. It was definitely easier than bottling. The brew is my Mt. Hood IPA/APA for the Bloat meeting on the 20th. A little early but I will be out of town the 6th through the 15 and wanted to make sure I was ready. How is your version coming along?

Best advice I can give a new kegger is never to force the disconnects onto the posts. You can shove them onto the wrong ones, but you’ll wish you hadn’t.

I remember a post by Tom Schmidlin that had pictures as well as explanations, which I found here:
but the pictures are not there anymore.  It’s still a good post though, pun intended.