Keg Sediment

Kegged a heavily hopped IPA about 1.5 weeks ago and I’m still seeing a small bit of sediment show up during pours. I haven’t had this in the past and I’m curious why it’s happening. Used Whirfloc, cold crashed, but this is the keg which I didn’t clean out and simply transferred over this beer into an empty keg from my last brew.

It seems that you’ve answered your own question.

After the post about doing this, I considered doing it as I had a beer ready that I wanted on tap quickly. Then, I thought: I’ll be adding five gallons which will settle out and add to the sediment that was already there from the previous beer, effectively creating a double sediment layer. I then said, “nah,” and cleaned the keg. We brew and we learn. That’s what it’s all about.

Honestly, it takes so little time and effort to clean a keg.

Good rinse, star san, refill.

Maybe you should do a keg-to-keg transfer to a clean keg.

+1 Excellent idea!
