Kegged Beer

I know this is a very general question, but here goes.  How long does beer last in a keg?  The beer was fermented in a fermenting  bucket and transferred to the keg.  CO2 added and then in the fridge the keg went.  It has been in the fridge at roughly 30 degrees (give or take a degree or two).  This having been my first try, I am more curious as to how long.  The beer still tastes good, and if anything it tastes a bit better now than when I first did it about a month ago.  Any input is greatly appreciated.

At 30 degrees it should last a long time. I don’t know why you’d want it that cold unless it’s tasteless like Coors light, but to each his own.

i am new to all of this, and I thought I read that kegged beer should be kept at about 30 degrees.  When poured it comes out at about 34 to 35 if I remember correctly,

Thank you for your reply, I appreciate it.

I have a Pilsner that has been on tap since April. It is still pale straw in color (darkening is a tell tale sign of oxidation) and delicious. I can’t pick up any signs of aging on it, and it’s a beer that I wouldn’t expect to age well. Stored cold in a keg, most beers will last a surprisingly long time.

OK, so I poured a glass and measured the temp in the glass.  Came out to about 38 to 39 degrees in the glass.  I have read that is where it should be.  Any comments?  I cannot turn the fridge any higher as it is at it’s highest setting right now.

That sounds pretty good. The beer will be warmed up by the glass a bit. So your fridge is probably 36-37F.  That’s a fairly common temp range for refrigerators.

Depending on the style you might want the beer to warm a bit more in the glass to bring out flavors that the cold can mask.

An Inkbird temp controller will correct that.

Genuinely curious about how long a beer would remain “drinkable” if properly stored.

It would be an interesting (if slightly useless) research topic but would tie up keg and fridge space for a VERY long time. Seems like that would be a test of proper cellarmanship rather than brewing prowess.

My first instinct (even as an introvert) is if you have draught beer that’s been waiting around for months, you need more friends.

I give away more beer than anyone I know and sometimes I just have a few that hang around for months…I have 17 kegs and brew frequently - 5 and 10 gallon batches, usually 2-3 batches per month.  COVID has affected the number of parties where I usually supply the kegs.

Not trying to be a wise guy, but how can the fridge get any colder if it is set to the highest setting already?  i have a little thermometer in there now, and it is reading about 30 degrees, but due to space the thermometer is resting against the keg and the CO2 bottle, so I am not sure if the reading is accurate.  I would be interested in this product, but just not sure how it can help.