Kids In Kettles

Allright, homebrewing dads. I know you’ve got pictures of your kids in brew kettles, fermenters, and other brewing containers - Let’s see them!

Here’s my oldest, this was a couple years ago. Just found this picture when I was looking for my kegorator pics.


Really? Nobody?

Sorry, not me.  I don’t let me kids get into my kettles, although they’ve added hops and stuff.  It never even occurred to me to do it until I saw your pic.

I never did it either. I would be too tempted to turn it on. Only kidding I love my little bumbles.

Hey I wonder if I could get my wife to fit in a kettle.

My oldest boy is in his terrible 3’s. I bet it would add some bitterness or astringency to the beer
but I may try it…

There is a mill setting joke in there too, I just know it.

Not in the kettle, but I’ve got some pics of my daughter in my lager box, which she helped me build.  If I remember, I’ll upoad them sometime.  My youngest is not quite 2 and I don’t want that little petri dish near my brewing stuff  :wink:

None here . . I think it was too Hansel and Gretelish for me . . . That story disturbed me when I was a kid!  :smiley:

One question, was that kid sanitized before you put her in there?  ;D

That kid is never sanitized.

Crazy, man. I did this on HBT a while back and everybody had these pictures.

Great. Now I have to figure out how to get my kid out of the carboy before my wife gets home.

now that’s a picture I want to see!!  makes me think of those kitten in a bottle pics that went around the net awhile back

My kid is in his mid 30s and is a foot taller than me…he wouldn’t fit!

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a picture of YOU in your kettle, so I wouldn’t doubt it… :wink:

Mine is 20 and she wouldn’t either. :smiley:

Mine are 8 and 5 … and they won’t fit in my kettle (although they would fit in the kettle that started off this thread)

I do have quite a few pictures like this:

and some of them actually helping like this:


or this:

EDIT:  Hmmm… the pictures are not showing up.  Not sure what I did wrong.

Format is fine. Blogspot might disallow hotlinking.

I don’t think it is blogspot disallowing … I’ve used pictures from them on other forums.

I don’t think it is blogspot disallowing … I’ve used pictures from them on other forums.

That is what’s happening. Your URLs and formatting are correct, but they won’t serve a hotlink.

That is what’s happening. Your URLs and formatting are correct, but they won’t serve a hotlink.


It is something specific about those images.  Here is another one from my blog:

Sorry … didn’t mean to hijack the thread.  I’ll shut up now.

Remove the “-h” from “s1600-h” in the URL.