Thats cool. Im wondering what this thing will look like when I get it. Do they send them small and they have to grow. Or will it come big?
Its interesting about what you say with “whole foods” or “organic” and all the health buff stuff. Its funny what some people think. They think you are a “hippy” if you are into whole foods. and whole foods has nothing to do with any trendy expensive grocery store. At least in my mind anyway. For me whole foods is the goal. Hard work to achieve. I want to be able to make everything I consume, to an extent. A goal that brought me to home brewing. We by flour, beans, fresh veg and meat. We buy organic where it really makes a difference like with some veg that may be loaded with pesticide. Diary and eggs come raw from the farm now that I have a connection.
We almost never buy canned or frozen veg, store bought bread, and absolutely never pre-prepared foods or anything with food colors or artificial flavors.
Im pretty sure this is a good way to go, cooking and preparing things makes for good family time, you save money, It will be much healthier, and it will taste MUCH better than anything you can buy in a store.
Ill take it one step farther, we ruin food in this country and I think it is starting to show. The over processed, artificial flavor pasteurized, homogenized, hydrolyzed. stuff they sell in grocery stores is leading to a lot of our health problems from obesity and heart disease to cancer. Even decreased brain function, just take a look around.
Also we are so bent on killing all of the bacteria we never get any good bacteria. Even the cheese they sell is dead. Cheese is supposed to be alive. I think that is why everyone in America has a food allergy. Kids cant eat peanuts, WTF is that all about? Warnings on the label. This is new. Its because we raise our kids on pasteurized milk and over processed foods and spend to much time sterilizing everything.
I dont know, maybe I am wrong.
Cant wait to get my kambucha scoby.
I have never had kombucha, does it taste like vinegar?