Planning a lager for my next batch. I am not pertaining to any style but am going for something relatively light and crisp for good summer drinking. I was originally planning a helles but want something with more hop character.
FWH sterling
20 min sterling
5 min crystal
dry hop crystal
*might do 2:1 crystal/sterling for later additions?
OG 1.052
~25 IBU
I am looking for feedback mainly regarding the munich. I was thinking about some caramunich or melanoidin in it’s place. Any thoughts? I know at 5% any differences would be subtle. Also, I realize having the wheat in there might be a little odd. I just like wheat in general so it will likely stay. Since I am not brewing to a particular style, why not right?
You could even go higher on the dark Munich, 20% or so, and be fine. That would make it like one I like, but maybe too dark. Upping the Vienna would turning another knob to get the flavor up with less color.
If the wheat is there for head retention, then the hops should cover you. You should be able to cut it out without an issue.
Personally, If I were trying to keep it light I’d do the bulk of it as Pils and then either 20-25% Vienna, 15-20% Munich, or 5-7% Melanoiden/Aromatic. To me, once you start to layer a few base malts in a lager it starts to creep towards Märzen/Bock kind of maltiness. That’s not necessarily a bad thing on its own, but it may end up hiding the hops a bit.
I guess it’s all about what you’re looking for in your finished beer.
I would keep the wheat and toss the Vienna. Maybe even kick your wheat up to like 25%. I really like the flavor of wheat malt… however I also love just plain jane pilsner malt, tastes like graham crackery goodness, so don’t sub out too much of your pilsner malt. 5% Munich seems like not a bad idea, but for a summer beer, maybe you don’t even need it. Still it might add some complexity.
The 20-minute hop addition does nothing for you. Save it all for the last 5 minutes or flameout, much more character that way. Or boil it for a full 60 for more bitterness and spice. You can actually get a lot of spiciness from bittering additions of noble-ish hop varieties. Whatever you like. It will be great.
Thanks all. Thinking 100% Pilsner or 80/20 pilsner/Vienna
What about the hops? Would 2:1 crystal to sterling be appropriate? I will probably move all the late hops to the last 5 minutes. I will be dry hopping but very lightly. Probably less than 1 oz.
Ok so the recipe has evolved into this. Any thoughts?
100% pilsner
Mash at 150F
Yellow Balanced water profile
targeted mash pH ~5.35
14 g Sterling FWH
10 g Sterling (11.1%) 5 min
20 g Crystal (2.5%) 5 min
10 g Sterling dry hop
20 g Crystal dry hop
OG 1.052 ~5.2% ABV
22 IBU
3.3 SRM
I want something that is easy drinking but still has a bit of hop character to it. Trying to do something that will satisfy myself and the wife. She is not a fan of hoppy stuff otherwise I would take it up a notch. I have never used sterling or crystal so I think a lager is a good opportunity for that.
Thanks! My original plan was to do a Helles so I guess this works out. I won’t be getting to this for a couple weeks and it is my second attempt at a lager. The first one turned out great so I am very excited for this one. Pitch temp and fermentation temp control will be challenging but adding a prechilller and modifying my fermentation chamber for chilling should help.