I am moving soon and I am looking to use most of the ingredients below in a ~5 gallon batch. I’ll need to get yeast and possibly some hops. Any suggestions?
9.25# White Wheat
6.5# Pale
3# Munich 10L
14 oz C90
11 oz Acid Malt
10 oz Debittered Black Patent
1 oz Hersbrucker 3.5%
1 oz Sterling 6.5%
weizenbock: use everything but the acid malt, use the Sterling for bittering (2 ozs would be better)and the Hersbrucker for a 20 min addition Getr some rice hulls and some bock yeast, either wyeast or White Labs.
With some American or English yeast you’d have the makings of a decent “wheat wine”. Using all the wheat, Munich, Pale, and C90 would probably put you around 1.080-1.090 with typical efficiency.
Personally, I’d probably try to brew twice. The Pale and Munich with the hops you have and some lager yeast would make a nice Helles. Then you could do a MIAB beer with the wheat and C90, plus whatever hops and yeast you can scare up for a simple summer wheat ale. Acid malt for pH adjustment as needed.