Lots of foam

I just added new 10 foot beer lines to my kegerator. Now my foam is much worse. I only get a 1/2 stream of beer out of the tap. I’ve tried different pressure settings from 5 to 15 lbs. I’m getting about 3/4 foam in every pour. Even if pouring several glasses in a row. Can anyone help with my issue?  Is it typical to not get a full stream of beer from the tap after adding longer lines?


Do you have a tower?  Sometimes if the tower is warm and the beer is cold you get foam.

I do have a tower. If it was a warm tower and I pour multiple beers would they all be foamy?  Does the beer in the tower have to warm up or is the temperature difference between the beer and the tower what does it?  I didn’t have this of an issue with the shorter beer lines.

When I upgraded to longer lines my flow did slow a little but my foam dropped also.  If you’re still getting too much foam, my guess is your beer is over carbonated.  How did you carb?  I never got the hang of high pressure carbing. Set and forget method finally fixed my foam issues.

I carbonated at 30 for two days. Then turned down. Been trying different serving levels.

Consider doing this- turn off your CO2 tank and vent the keg by pulling on your PRV on the keg.  Try tapping into a pitcher.  Reset your CO2 to your desired serving pressure before turning on your CO2 tank.

Edit: I also suggest turning off the CO2 tank when not serving beers after the above.

+1. You may have high carbonation due to 48 hrs at 30 psi.  After decarbonating it as ynotbrusome describes, try either raising the psi for shorter burst, or lowering the psi (20-25?) for your 48 hrs.

30 psi                           16 hours 48 hours
35 psi                           14 hours 34 hours
40 psi                           12 hours 30 hours
45 psi                           10 hours 26 hours
50 psi                             8 hours 24 hours