What does the water:grain ratio affect? What is the difference between doing 2 qt/lb and 1.25 qt/lb? I am going to do my first AG batch this weekend and I am going to do a 1.5 qt/lb ratio, but I have no idea why. Thanks!
There is minimal effect on the mash enzymes and resultant wort fermentability. Some say that a thicker mash will produce less fermentable wort, and thinner mashes more fermentable. But compared to temperature, mash pH, etc., its effects are pretty minimal.
cool, sounds easy enough
I typically ignore it. I mash so I get the same amount of runoff for every batch. The grain bill affects the ratio. The only thing I change is maybe more or less water for grain absorbtion.
I used to do 1 or 1.25 qt/lb mash ratios but have recently been increasing the ratio to try and improve my efficiency. I think 1.5 qts/lb is a good place for you to start. If you are happy with your results stick with that. Sometimes its fun to change things up just to see what effect it has.
I don’t want to kill this thread but this thread here should be of interest: http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=411.0
I usually shoot for the 1 to 1.25 qt/lb range. then I round up or down slightly to get to a nice, round, easily measurable volume of water.