Mash tun size.

How large of a mash tun for 30 pounds grain?  What size for 50 pounds ?

You also need to think in terms of the volume the star will take up.  Data point…I have a 152 qt. cooler. I use for big beers.  I can get 65 lb. of grain in it at 1.5 qt./lb. with room to spare.

Another data point.  I have a 15.5 gallon keggle that I can fit about 33# of grain into.  I did put 35# in it for an 11 gallon batch (1.3 quarts/lb.) of imperial stout but it was full to the brim and I won’t attempt that much again.  When I make this the next time, I will double batch to be safe and avoid a royal mess in my brewery.