I found a 10 gallon blue Igloo cooler for 25 bucks on Craig’s list. Gonna grab it and make it into a mash tun. I know I have just started into the BIAB relm, but what the heck. I can keep trying both until I get a handle on it. Seems to me, 25 bucks for a cooler is not a bad deal. Thoughts?
Thanks for that info Denny. I hated fly sparging with a passion and when you turned me onto batch sparging when I heard you on the BN, I have never looked at fly sparging again.
Update to this thread. I put together the cooler tun using parts from Denny’s list. It was really easy, but I did experience a small amount, I am talking drops, of liquid from the Mini Keg bung. So, I ordered some food grade sealant and that took care of it. I have noticed a very small amount, again just a few drops, coming from where the hose goes thru the bung, but it is so small that I am going to go with it for now. Once I get it set where I want it, i am sure I can get the hose in a way so that this will not be a problem. Other than that, it will probably make it’s maiden voyage today once I get my chores done. LOL. Either way, all in I am only out about 45 to 50 bucks on this. And, it fit my DIY mentality. LOL.