Mason Jar airlocks

I saw this today and thought I’d share. These are probably best suited for saurkraut/kimchi/etc, but you could probably use them for small batches of beer or mead in a large mason jar.

Thanks for posting Eric. I will definitely get these and use often. I need to make some preserved lemons soon. I might try them for mead too. I aim to have a couple quarts extra when I rack to secondary so I can top off tertiary.

I’ve made my own by drilling slightly undersized hole and sealing airlock with hot glue or using a grommet like a bucket fermenter uses.

I’ve made one with a plastic mason jar lid and drilling it to take a drilled rubber stopper and normal airlock.

I’ve added airlock to Mason jars but I like the low profile of these as it gives me more options for storing them out of the way and they can’t get knocked off. I can see using them to store yeast slurry in the fridge.

I’ve been using something similar (same same only different) to make lacto fermented veggies (sauerkraut, curried cauliflower & carrots, mushrooms, etc). Been using a starter culture from Dr. Mercola.

No reason these types of airlocks shouldn’t work for beer or whatever. I use quart jars for the veggies, but you could get gallon ball jars for beer, mead, cider, etc.

That’s what I use them for

There are plenty of places that sell stuff just like that. Like you can probably just make your own by drilling a hole in a lid big enough for an airlock to fit in. I found these places when I wad researching how to make pickles.