I’ve recently got into kegging and I think I’ve been having some trouble with my kegs leaking CO2 so I went to inspect my kegs and it seems I have some differences between the types of posts and poppets that came on my refurbished kegs.
All of my kegs are of the Cornealius type. However, my posts seem to be of the Type A for ball lock which I understand to be for Firestone, Challenger and Super Challenger kegs. Upon further inspection, it appears some of my poppets are a mix of the Type A and Type B.
If I’m using the wrong type posts to match the keg will this cause CO2 to leak? In addition, if I have the wrong type poppet to match the post will this cause CO2 to leak?
Thanks, that helps. It does talk about how the poppets should match the post but is it also important for the post to match the type of the keg or do they all basically have the same type of threads/fittings?
Thanks for all the info. After reviewing it, I feel like I got ripped off when I bought the reconditioned kegs or I’m still not understanding something.
I have kegs that say “Cornelius” but have a model name like “Super Champion” or “XI.” On those kegs I have the Type “A” fittings but the Type “B” poppets. From the information, I need to now spend more money and buy either the correct fittings or poppets or both!
I’ve known & heard posts from a number of brewers who bought kegs. Then, took them all apart, cleaned all the parts together, put them together wrong and were then in the same position you’re in now. It’s entirely possible that the place you bought them got them in that condition (the soda folks could have screwed it up too).
Anyway, I’d contact them and see if they’ll do anything about the situation. If not, you’ll have to figure out exactly what kegs you have, and what parts you need. Once you’ve got the pia & expense behind you, you’ll love kegging.
I went ahead and bought new poppets to match the lugs. I hope that will be sufficient and I don’t have to come back to buy all new lugs and poppets again.
It’s been months since I bought the kegs (online) and I don’t know if they would do anything about it but rest assured I’m armed with the right information this time and will not make this mistake again.