When I enter the promo code for the Compleat Meadmaker in the membership signup page, there is no feedback that the code was accepted. Normally, I would expect to see the book listed with the membership subscription on the checkout page. I also tried entering random characters and it behaved the same. Should it list the book?
It was very timely that my subscription ran out and the book deal came out. I just checked out my email receipt and don’t see anything about the book either, so I’m hoping it’s all in the backend of the system.
Hi James.
The code for the free book does not show up on the receipts, but is visible to our team processing new memberships.
If you would like to confirm that the promo code was entered correctly, you may contact Member Services and they can check for you: 1.888.822.6273 ext. 0 or info@brewersassociation.org
Thanks Steve!
I’m pretty certain I entered the code, but if I didn’t no big deal.
Maybe someone can recommend to the IT/development department that they add promo code or something to receipts in the future?