Mighty RAD Gumbo

On the new years stove simmering as I type this…chicken …anduillee sausage…prolly add
some shrimp just prior to serving over a bed of basmati rice.  If I don’t space it…will set up a pic…

Edit: Was thinking about Little Feat…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8u2GfNqaHo

Happy New year!

Haha I often space out the final pics… or the light is so bad not worth the effort. Love me some gumbo though. Andouille, chicken, catfish, shrimp and oysters. Steamed long rice though it’s very good with grits instead. Rad Gumbo.

…or this…  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bbt1RtXNDsQ

I have a pot of [u]Stewed Blackeyed Peas - Chef M style[/u] going on the stove, a ham in the smoker, and collard greens awaiting clearance for take-off on runway 18L.

I use homemade andouille instead of ham in the stewed peas.  The stewed peas are my most requested dish, year after year.  Hawaiian grown collards are extremely tasty too.  They love that volcanic soil!

Mom prolly had them dang black eye peas today…I fortunately did NOT

I’ve got my slightly personalized  take on “Hoppin’ John” on the stove now…will probably be enjoying it for a few days!

On New Year’s Day you eat:
Blackeyed peas for luck,
Greens for money,
Ham because…  Pork Fat Rules!
and cornbread, cause what else would you eat with peas, greens and ham?

nuh huh  ;D

For dinner we had Pork and Sauerkraut with mashed potatoes…can’t forget about my house IPA to wash it all down. It’s a new years day tradition in the house of bluesman.  8)

I could deal with that Ron>>>>>yessir

That^^^^is what the we had at Cheateu Tubercle yesterday. We also had it last week and probably again next week.

It is a staple meal except pinto, great northern, navy or cranberry beans are substituted for variety. Served with chow chow and a big slice of vidalia. :wink:

Ok got that photo…here she is…and IMO…restaurant quality!

Looks good other than the okra. Oh well.

Yeah that and broiled fresh is the only place I can tolerate a small amount of okra…and I happen to like it in there…

The okra (and the rest of it) looks great to me


Looking good Dave!    :slight_smile:

…just as your thread title suggests.  :wink:

i clicked on the youtube radgumbo and just spent the last 1 1/2 hrs listening to SRV , awesome.