I’m active duty military and looking to complete brewing education online. Does anybody know of any online programs that meet the requirements for tuition assistance.
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I’m active duty military and looking to complete brewing education online. Does anybody know of any online programs that meet the requirements for tuition assistance.
Active military as well. Where are you stationed
I’d get a hold of the education center and ask. Or better yet, I’ll bet the school knows.
Check with Siebel they have courses online and could answer the tuition question.
I don’t know what the requirements are, but I imagine the question would be if the courses need to be accredited college courses. I think most of the brewing programs are not. Even the UC Davis program is actually through cooperative extension and not college credit.
If it can only be used for accredited college courses I would consider taking microbiology and biochemistry courses along. Also maybe some business courses if you think you’d like to own or manage a brewery. Those would complement a brewing program very well.
UC Davis does have a BS in Food Science that includes courses on brewing, but also has a full on Masters degree program. That is where Bamforth spends most of his time teaching. There is even a PhD, but they call out that there are very few jobs in brewing for PhD’s. I guess Lewis and Bamforth need to retire first.
Much has changed since I served on active duty; however, I am certain that tuition assistance can be used for vocational training and certificate courses in addition to attending college.
Siebel Institute of Technology is approved by the Division of Private Business and Vocational Schools of the Illinois Board of Higher Education
Good to know! I am AD as well ;D
Did anybody ever find a definitive yes to this question?
I’ve been told the only TA options in the military for vocational opportunities are through the “COOL” program and need to be in line with your job. In other words, TA can not be used for a brewing education unless you are receiving a degree.
The other option would be utilize your GI Bill and that has totally different requirements and benefits.
Bottom Line is the institution has to be an accredited institution. Meaning if you want to use the GI Bill it needs to have the college or university in the title I.E. UC Davis, Central Michigan University, South College etc…