Mill motor

In keeping with one of my brewing resolutions, I’ve started looking at motorizing my mill.  Anybody have experience with a motor like this…

…as I’m not sure it’ll have enough “oomph”.  If I’m calculating things right, it looks like 40 in-lbs torque at 177.7 rpm comes out to a little over 1/10th horsepower.  Anybody know if that’s enough?

Most of the motors you see for this application are 1/3 hp, but if you gear it slower you can use less.  I have a 12 volt motor from a decomissioned tread mill that turns the mill very slowly, but it works well.  It may take 20 minutes to crush 20 pounds of malt, but it never hesitates or stops.  I suspect it depends on the gear ratio more than the hp.

People usually use 1750 rmp motors and then they “gear” it 10 to 1 to about 170 rpm.
So the rmp is about right.

I think the gearmotors (already geared like the one shown) are better and safer. That one shown has borderline power, but I know several brewers here use that very one. I hope they chime in.

I have that same one. It works like a charm. It’s not about speed its about quality. If it takes
me two more minutes to mill my grain so be it. I got it in October and had it running actively
in the brewery a couple of weeks later.  20gal that week, as I had not had a working mill
since May.

Edit was to add pic.

I’m in the process of building this very one now.  I’ll let you know how it works.

This one is slightly slower with 20% LESS torque

No problems with startup?  That is, does it have enough oomph to get going if you load the hopper and then start it up?  Sometimes, with my current drill, I need to get things spinning before dumping in the grain, especially with Rye Malt.

Oh, and nice setup.  That’s just about exactly what I’m looking to do.

Yeah, I’d seen where some folks have used that motor (30 in-lbs) but the same site had the one I listed (40 in-lbs) so I figured it’d be safer.  If enough people are having good luck with the smaller one, I should be golden with the bigger one.

Are you thinking about direct drive of drive with belt?

With that geared motor, I’m looking at direct (albeit with a spider coupling) drive.


I might get the same motor but I was thinking to speed it up just a bit to may be 300 rmps.

Well, I’m trusting you guys and went ahead and bit the bullet…

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Thanks again for shopping at the Surplus Center.  We appreciate
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Order Number: I0180605

     1  5-1098                177.7 RPM 115 VAC GEARMOTOR                 39.95
     1  1-3419-C              3/8" L-050 JAW COUPLING HALF                 2.69
     1  1-3419-E              1/2" L-050 JAW COUPLING HALF                 2.69
     1  1-3419-X              BUNA-N INSERT FOR L-050 JAW COUPLING         1.09

                                                 Total $:                 46.42

Many have used the Beefy Bodine motor successfully.  I’m not sure if this one will have enough power.  Let us know how it goes!  I just use my 1/2in Milwaukee drill on my 3 roller Monstermill.

Yeah, the Bodines aren’t available any longer so they were out.  I too have been using my drill on my Monster Mill but I’ve gotten tired of chucking/unchucking, holding the drill, controlling the speed, and all that stuff.

I don’t use the big drill for too much so I just leave it chucked up.  I built a support for the drill so the weight isn’t on the shaft of the mill and just leave it there.

I have that motor run through a 3 way switch on my barley crusher and it is top notch.  I have only had to use the reverse to clear a jam once and it worked like a charm.

dcbd - I’ve got the same motor that the OP referenced on order.
How did you wire it up so that you could reverse the motor?
Can you put up a schematic?

I decided to turn it over to an electrician for fear of the capacitor.  :o

But I gave him the diagram from the second page of this thread on the Brewing Network Forum.

Thanks for the link!

Thanks. and it starts grinding right away. Fully loaded hopper and it takes. that Artisanmaui link was where I
got the info and built mine. Not exactly how he had it but more suited to my style. I havent tried it with rye
yet but we’ll see. I got the grainger parts as described by the site as well. I am just glad that from now on
the only “wear and tear” will be on a part designed to take it, and be easily replaced, if needed that is.

Edited for spelling, aesthetics.