Missing strike temp - will my end result be ok?

For some reason, mostly lack of attention, I keep missing my strike temp.  This time I mashed in at what I thought should be good but I ended up about 10 degrees too cool.  I was shooting for a 155 temp for a steam style that I wanted to have good body.
What I ended up doing was mashing at 145 for about 30 minutes and then adding boiling water (took me a while to get the water up to a boil) and brought it up to 156.  Also, adding all that extra water put me into a no-sparge volume.

So, I ended up with a 30 min mash at 145, a 30 min mash at 155 and no sparge.

What do you think my end result will be like?

It will be a little thinner/drier than you expected. kind of a bummer for a steam as I really like lots of maltiness in that beer but it won’t be bad. The shorter mash time at the lower temp helps as the beta enzyme is slower than alpha.

Graham, are you off by a consistent amount each time?

No, if I was out by the same each time I’d either try to adjust or get a new thermometer.  This is only the 2nd time so I can’t speak to any consistency yet.

I was trying to brew and work and my water got too hot (boiling) so I let it sit to cool.  I have been trying iBrewMaster on my iPad and it gives a suggested water temp but I’m finding it to be less than accurate.  It doesn’t seem to take into consideration the cooler temp or the malt temp.  Or I haven’t figured out how to use it properly yet.

Normally I mash in with about 1.5L per lb and then adjust my temp with either hot or cold water as needed and end up closer to 2L per lb.  But, doing it this way I’ve often ended up with a lot more wort than I should have an thus a longer boil time.  This time I thought I’d try to add 1/2 of the water at mash and 1/2 at sparge as I understand is the “proper” method.  But, since I missed my strike temp, I ended up with it being too cool and then didn’t have enough hot water left to raise it up to where it should be.

I’ve been really happy with my method in the past but I thought I should try to fine tune it to get to the "proper’ 50:50 mash/sparge method.  Usually I add about 22-24L of water at the start and then come back with 10 - 14L at sparge depending on how much I need after the first running.  I’m usually shooting for about 27L of wort pre-boil and 22L or so post boil.  Like I said, I’m trying out some new software and new method which isn’t working perfectly yet.  This is the 2nd batch that ended up no-sparge because of the process so I will probably go back to my 2/3:1/3 method that was working well for me before.

i missed on my weinachtsbier.  i was brewing more than i normally do and used a different system.  i ended up doing a decoction that i hadn’t planned. things still went okay.

FYI, the “proper” 1/2 and 1/2 is usually referring to the runoff volumes and not the volume of water you add.  What you add to mash will be greater than what you add to sparge by the amount of deadspace in your tun and the amount of water absorbed by your grain.  Basically, you’ll always need to add more to mash than to sparge in order to get equal runoffs.

It’s not ruined so RDWAHAHB!  Did you stir it before lautering?  What was your OG and efficiency?

Steam Beers are my favorite.  I’m on Version 8 now.  They are like pizza and cabernet sauvignon.  When Steam Beers are great, they are AWESOME and when they are maybe not as planned, they are still pretty darn good!

The end result will be beer.

The ambient temp makes a big difference so pre-warming the cooler- such as bringing it inside the night before summer or winter.

Now I just recirculate hot water about 5-6 above strike until a stable desired temp is achieved and then dough in. Then I’ll add more water or ice-cubes if the temp is off. And I take the reading from deep in the mash.

You’d be surprised how quickly effective 3-4 ice-cubes are.

I had the same problem with my last brew, i was worried about the conversion in low temps and decided to put 1 cup of dextrose 10 min before the end of the boil just to increase those sugars in that IPA… i dont know is this gonna affect the flavor… anyway i was drinking my third brown ale in the brewing session hahha,

I try to avoid those last-minute inspired recipe changes. 8)

Went back to my old method and today’s brew was spot on.  New recipe but it was what I was shooting for at least as far as temp went.

If it’s any consolation, lately I’ve been hitting my temps perfectly on the first mash of the day but I’ve been missing hugely on the second mash.  The upside is every beer has very good even if I had to fiddle with the second mash to get close to my temps.

Happy to hear you’re getting the issue worked out.  It means there’s hope for me.  :wink:


[quote]The ambient temp makes a big difference so pre-warming the cooler- such as bringing it inside the night before summer or winter.

Now I just recirculate hot water about 5-6 above strike until a stable desired temp is achieved and then dough in. Then I’ll add more water or ice-cubes if the temp is off. And I take the reading from deep in the mash.

I used to run into the same problem and this works quite well. The other thing I have started doing is putting my thermometer into my dry grain before I set my water temp for about 5 mins. . I have found that just a few degrees off of what I have set in BS can throw you off quite a bit when you first strike. Not sure about the ice cube thing but different strokes for different folks. ;D I keep a gallon of ice water on hand in case I over shoot a bit bit with the preheat of the cooler and checking my grain temp before hand I don’t normally miss.