Mobile Wort Chilling Station

I have combined my immersion pre-chiller with my counter-flow chiller.

The base is an old milk crate.  Inside I have a cat litter bucket to hold ice water for pre-chilling the tap water which runs through the counter flow chiller sitting on top.  I’ve attached wheels and a handle salvaged from an old garbage can.  The handle is screwed onto an old plastic shelf board.

It may not look like much to you, but to me it’s a thing of beauty! :slight_smile:

Nicely done!

I’ve been recently fighting my new chiller setup (made a bigger immersion chiller with a ice-water loop). Yesterday I had water all over the f-ing place!

I may have to give this a shot.

Who cares if its not much to look at - Doesn’t have to be “shiny” to be “effective”!

Tidy, compact and ready to go. Looks good.

Thanks!  The 2 chillers were just taking up shelf space, anyway.  Now I can park the cart in a corner someplace and wheel it out on brew day!

I might have to paste some brewing bumper stickers on it!  LOL!

Very inventive Scott!  :slight_smile:

Thanks!  Best thing is I didn’t have to buy anything.  :slight_smile:

Deserves a MacGyver Award!  8)


I bought the immersion chiller 20 years ago for extract brewing.  I finally began all-grain brewing last year.  I build a brew stand a few months ago and then built the counterflow chiller after that.

I’ve only used the counterflow chiller twice. The first time without a pre-chiller my wort went into the fermentor at 75°F. The 2nd time WITH the pre-chiller, my wort came out at 70°F.

Made sense to combine the 2 chillers together.  :slight_smile: