Here are a few pics of my MM3 motorized with a Tigear gear reduction motor. I used a cherry wood base cabinet that I modified. Both the reduction and electric motor I picked up off eBay. Photos coming as soon as I figure out how to upload them.
iPad sucks for uploading, had to go back to old faithful, the laptop.
I don’t know how you attempted, but the way I do it is by using a web based picture site, like
When the picture is there I click on the picture then when it appears in its own window look to the right. Under “Share Links” there is a “Direct” box. Clicking on that copies it.
Then when posting back on the AHA site, when you click on the picture icon which is above the text box it produces two square bracketed objects. put your cursor between those two innermost brackets, right click and select paste. That will paste that picture address you just copied off of photobucket or wherever.
Nice. Looks like you could crush gravel with that motor. I was looking at small cabinets like that at the Home Depot yesterday. The spirit is willing but the garage is full.
Can you provide more info on the Tigear gear reduction motor? I want to motorize and mount my mill in a similar way to yours.
From a previous setup I have a 1/3 hp motor that runs at 1725 RPM and a 14" sheave which would make the mill run at about 200 RPM, but I don’t think the lateral pressure this setup would produce is good for the mill so I’d like to do something different.
All you need is a 10:1 reduction gearbox that will mate up to your motor. Right-angle gearboxes are plentiful on eBay. You can also find them at Surplus Center.
The part number is 13Q10L56. Says it replaces part number MR96101. I think I paid $70-80 off eBay shipped. The electric motor was around $60-70. Both were new in box. Motor is 1/2hp 1725rpm Graymills mfg by Marathon Electric.
Thanks for the heads up on the side plates. Thought that seamed odd, but figured it was a universal hopper.