When calculating Mash Tun dead space, I see there is a point where water will stop flowing out of the valve. I can also tip the mash tun further and drain more water to a set point.
Which should I use when calculating dead space?
When calculating Mash Tun dead space, I see there is a point where water will stop flowing out of the valve. I can also tip the mash tun further and drain more water to a set point.
Which should I use when calculating dead space?
If you plan to tip each every time then do it that way. I wouldn’t, that way you wont be short if you forget.
Got it…ok, 1 quart it is!
I’m a tipper. At least tip the first runnings - that’s good stuff!!
I tip too - I use a piece of 2X4 under the end. Whatever you do, just be consistent.
I use the 2x4 method as well Jon. Works great
Are you doing that to get that bottom bit of wort? Does it matter in regards to OG?
Now that I fixed my air leak that killed my syphon, I ain’t a tipper anymore. Weighs too much when doing 45# of grain. Getting the air leak fixed was difficult. Pretty simple the way it went together, but did it every time. Mine leaves about a quart, good enough for me. One of my manifold pipes came out today. Glad I had a way to catch all the grain pieces. Time for some solder.
Doesn’t mean anything as long as you plan for it.
I am just trying to limit waste. It’s easy enough on 5 gallon batches with less than 30 pound of grain
If the mashtun outlet is on the side, tip away if you want but you could also just add another 1-2 quarts of water.
If you have a false bottom with the drain point in the center (and a tube connecting it to the valve) then tipping won’t make a difference. The same volume is under the drain point no matter how it’s angled.
Tipping only helps so much with a false bottom. Bazooka is a little different story