Must carbonate 2 kegs of water in 36 hours, help!

At work we have a two keg system with carbonated water on both taps. We just bought and hooked up the second corny keg (refurbished) on Monday, with the first one already hooked up, carbonated, and working properly. What I found when I went to check the carbonation of the newly hooked up second keg is that there was a leak, the CO2 was empty, and the water would not pour. I’m pretty sure the culprit was the o-ring on the lid of the new (refurbished) keg, which I have just replaced and believe has fixed the leak issue. But here is my dilema now:

Tomorrow we have a company event where we are showcasing our carbonated water - it’s mostly for fun, but we need the water to actually be carbonated for the gimmick to work. I’m looking for advice on best ways to force carb water, as most of what I have found and read about is for beer.

With the first keg we had working we were serving it at 35 PSI and 34 degrees. I’ve read when people are force carbing beer they bump up the PSI much higher before bringing it back down - has anyone done this with water?

Another issue I’ve found with the refurbished keg is that the poppet on the liquid out line is a little loose. If the liquid out valve is on it doesn’t leak, but if it is off and the CO2 IN is hooked up, it does leak out the top. All this is to say, it makes it very difficult to shake to help the force carb process along.

Does anyone have any advice, is this possible to have two kegs of carbonated water by 7:30pm tomorrow?


  1. Shake/rock the kegs while you are carbing to speed it up…could be done in about 20 minutes
  2. Turn the pressure up to 50 psi to speed up the process.
  3. Do partial kegs.  Dont put more than 3-4 gallons in each keg and it will carb much faster.
  4. Use cold water - better solubility at lower temperatures

Be careful not to overcarbonate!  Its quite a bit harder to remove the gas once its in solution.

I would only add that you can lay the keg on its side with the gas in line on the top when you shake/rock it back and forth.


Less water/higher PSI/shake is what will get that done quickly.