My beer I brewed for competition is out of style

Looking for advise!  I brewed a beer for the up coming AHA competition but after fermentation I feel KNOW it is way out side the style.  I brewed a Saison that is both too sweet and too hoppy.  I committed to the Style for the competition but now feel as I set myself up for failure.  Think maybe I should not even send it in!

No time to re-brew.
Can’t think a way to fix it.

Chicken out and avoid getting bad score OR Bite the Bullet - ship it and see what happens?

Have you paid the fee?  If not, dealer’s choice.  If so, is it refundable?  If so, dealer’s choice.  If not, send it. If you already paid and can’t get a refund, no use in letting it sit at home.

I wonder, this style being one that is fairly high in carbonation and very dry, if you can manipulate the bottles so that the fermentation finishes in the bottle.  You say it is too sweet, but perhaps the yeast hasn’t finished yet. Keep the bottles very warm until the last minute before shipping.  Too hoppy is a matter of perception and some saisons can be perceived that way.
If you have paid the fee, send it on in.

If its critical feedback that compels you to enter competition, I wouldn’t bother- you already know what you need.  If you are curious how well it will do anyway- go for it.  Or, if you are happy with the beer as is, find another category that it fits and enter it as that.  I wouldn’t bother entering it in the category that you know it doesn’t fit.

Keep in mind. If this is NHC you are referring to, you can still change the beer you are entering. So, if you have already paid (which most of us have) and are committed, then you can simply send in another beer to be judged if you have one.

Payment date is past.

Drink some of this beer while reading the guidelines. Does it for somewhere else

I scrubbed 2 beers off my original thoughts today. Changed to two others with better quality. You can change right up to the end of shipping.


I changed a beer yesterday, because a later brewed beer turned out better than the one I expected to enter when I signed up.  Changing the Saison to another category would help you, possibly.  Look through the guidelines and pick out something for a closer style if you don’t think it fits the Saison style guidelines.

Thanks for the feed back!  think i will enter it anyway.  I will take my knocks on this one and learn from it I hope.  Not sure why I put that Carahell malt in that recipe!  But will see what the judges think.

Thanks everyone!  Cheers!