My first dumped batch

Went to dry hop my beer the other night and noticed there were all these little white grains of something on the carboy. Looking closer I see they were moving.


They were covering the carboy and had gotten up under the cap.

I think flies must have gotten into the freezer through the drain plug that I’d accidentally left out. It was a messy ferment that had spewed wort all over and I hadn’t cleaned it up very well.


Just pisses me off. This was an IPA made with my home grown hops. grr

So now I have lots of cleaning and sanitizing to do…

OUCH!  Sorry to hear about lost homegrown hops… :cry:


Thanks. I still have some left. Going to try again this week.

And in case anyone was wondering, I didn’t “fly” sparge…yuk yuk yuk yuk…

Damn. Sorry to hear it.

Did you try it before you dumped it?  Maybe you could have been on to something …  :slight_smile:

Bummer :stuck_out_tongue:

Maggoty IPA?
Moving Chunks Pale Ale?
They’re Swimming in it IPA?
Spit It Out, Ya Bastards!
Tasty McMaggot?
Death and Taxes IPA?

Lol! Nice names.

I made an effort to clean off the carboy but when I found them under the rim of the rubber cap I gave up.

Sent from the future…

I think you could have drawn out the beer from underneath. But I understand the disgust factor.

One time a tiny fly got under the lid of a fermenter as I was setting it aside after racking to a keg. I had seen it flying around. Life got in the way and a week later I lifted the lid away and there was this fat bloated redly iridescent fly sitting there in the krausen ring. So fat it couldn’t even fly away. ;D It was so swollen one could see the gaps in it’s carapace and the skin in between.

No maggots thankfully.

I washed it down the drain with the rest of the gunk!