My First Homebrew!

Just finished carbonating my first homebrew and wow!  I brewed an extract IPA and carbonated it in a keg for 5 days.  I really expected it to be ok, but I can’t be happier with how it turned out!  Probably needs a little more carbonation, but man does it taste good.  I have to be honest and say that it’s one of the best IPAs I’ve ever had.  I’m totally hooked now!

Here’s a picture:

Right on!  Congratulations on your success.  Welcome to the obsession!  Nothing tastes better than beer brewed by your own hand!

For some reason I cannot see your photo.

Sorry, new to the board, so still trying to figure out how to get my picture up.

There ya go.  I can see it now.  Good job!  It looks pretty tasty from here.

Good looking beer. Congrats on popping your homebrew cherry.

congrats, welcome to filled Saturdays and an ever growing collection of stuff…

Congratulations!  it’s always nice when the first batch turns out great :slight_smile:

Way to go! I think my first, a honey brown extract kit, was one of the best I’d ever tasted too.  Then my first all grain…  Welcome to it, happy brewing!

Looks great! Congrats. It really is a lot of FUN, isn’t it? There’s really only a couple things I’d rather be doing than brewing! Cheers.

Way to go! I think it’s awesome you kegged your first batch. Hardcore. No go bottle your next one. It’s a rite of passage.  ;D

Nice head on it.  I love the glass too.  Congrats on becoming a homebrewer.

awesome job man!

And btw, this is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your chair with a Coors Light. You take the red pill - you stay in Homebrewland and we show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes…

Follow the rabbit!

That’s Awesome!!! Enjoy the obsession!

Before I did my first batch, I helped a friend with his batch of Brown Ale and we bottled that batch.  The bottling process and the waiting for conditioning steered me to keg my brew!  I’ve bottled some from the keg to give to friends, but it’s all keg for me know!

The Red Pill it is!

Cheers everyone!  There is no way that my IPA would have turned out like it did without this forum.  I spent many hours going through the AHA site and reading countless threads in the forum to prepare myself for this endeavor.  The great thing is the wife is totally into homebrewing now and we’ve already built our cooler mash tun as we assemble the all grain set up, which probably should be complete in the next couple of months.


Welcome to our obsession.  :slight_smile:

That picture looks tasty! Congrats on your first beer. Here’s to many more to come!

Good job!! Looks like you brewed a great beer right out of the chute.

Better get started on your next one…
