My first recipe

So after running through Zymurgy, BYO and this forum for 3 years I feel like branching out. I have made 5 or so beers with recipes that I made but they were really out of balance. Last night I just threw a pale ale recipe together and I think it will be good.
This for 2.5 gallons

4.5 pounds Briess 2-row
.3 ponds Crystal 120
.4 oz Chinook 60 min
.3 oz Cascade 30 min
.2 oz Chinook 0 min
.2 oz Chinook 4-6 days
.2 oz Cascade 4-6 days
1/2 Whirlfoc tablet at 15 min
100 ml California Ale slurry

Feels solid and going to brew it right now. Just don’t know if it seems borderline IPA but the IBU’s aren’t that high

It looks like a pretty solid pale ale to me.

One thing I can suggest about using recipes out of a magazine, or any where else for that matter. You can change them according to your experience with brewing and ingredients. Or you can brew them using the recipe to a tee, and then change it to your preference the next time you brew it. Any recipe, no matter who designs it may require some tweaking to get it where you like it. Keep tweaking it till you get it perfect–and then, tweak it again to learn even more about ingredients/processes etc.

Plan on brewing it when my IPA is outta the fermentation chamber. Will post with results

Definitely not a borderline IPA, not even as hoppy as most APAs, but it looks tasty to me.


Yes, this looks like a tasty APA.