My latest experience with Sam Adams

I should have bought the Shiner.

I’m extremely disappointed with my recent purchase of SABL. Instead of one metalicky beer I got six. Flavor was very muted and the beer seems weak in strength as well, cause I drank 5 with no problem on an empty stomach. Maybe the beer doesn’t travel well to Texas but it used to be one of my faves even back to the early 90’s. Over the last couple years I haven’t been very happy with my purchases of SA products.

Anyone else experience this?

I agree with you Euge. To the point that its been some time since I’ve had a SA beer.  The last I recall being impressed with were the single hop IPA variety packs; and that had more to do with enjoying the side by side comparison rather than really enjoying the base IPA.

On a positive note, last night I had a really great, fresh Anchor Steam as the SO and I were practicing our Amber Hybrids and English Pale Ales.  Seems like that product tends to sit on the shelves around here and its been a long time since I’ve really enjoyed one.

I had a sample of their Rebel IPA and thought it was pretty meh, particularly given that they call it a West Coast style IPA.

I agree with you on Anchor Steam. I hadn’t bought it in years and then had it fresh in CA and remembered how good it is. I think it sits around here, too.

They did a kolsch ish beer that came in a variety pack. It was great but now you can’t find it anywhere.

I actually liked SABL in the 90’, too. I know tastes and palates change, but there’s no doubt to me that the quality and hop schedule have come way down on that one. I can’t buy it any more, or any of theirs.

It’s funny, I had some Boston lager in their winter seasonal pack (not sure why it’s in there, but whatever) and it was actually fresh and even slightly hoppy.  Not sure if it comes from a different plant or it’s just fresher, but I was surprised because I usually have the same experience as you.

I had a SABL in DC at a hotel recently. The hotel had that and a BMC on tap. It was super fresh and I loved it.

I liked it so much I went home tried to brew a clone. Alas, my clone is not as good as the SABL from that hotel.

Re: SA variety packs. I buy them all. I like them. They are never the best for a given style, but, I trust SA to do a pretty good job and to not waste my money on bad beer like many craft brews I find at the bottle shop.

Even Heineken tastes great in Amsterdam.

I’ll put that on my bucket list.