My sister sent me some kegs to try and revive?

My sister gave me two kegs, that she made that she said were way over carbonated.  I think they must have gotten some bacteria is them.  She gave too me to see if I could save the beers. She said the beer was spraying out even after shwe release the CO2 pressure.  I going to have to play doctor and see if I can fix themlater this week.  Has anybody had to deal with similar problems?  ???

Have you tasted it? does it taste infected? I am guessing she primed the kegs with sugar instead of forces carbonating? If she released all the preasure it shouldn’t spray out at all I would think.

You’ll need to release the pressure several times, since the overcarb’ed beer will continue to outgas until equilibrium is achieved.  You can speed this process up a little by venting, shaking, venting, shaking etc… Its the same process as rapid carbing, just the opposite direction, you’re looking to force the excess gas out the beer into the headspace.  Once its out, then hook up at serving pressure and let it stabilize to a normal volume.  Then you’ll know if its ok, or contaminated but don’t write it off yet.

Sounds like a plan, I really haven’t had much of a chance to do anything yet I just picked up last night.  But that is what I instructed her to do and she said she was still having issues, but I doubt she would have done it in stages like you said.  I’ll give it a try when I get home tonight.

Might also want to check the tap, lines, dip tube, and poppets for obstructions.

if she did prime the kegs with sugar, did she happen to use the same amount as if priming a batch for bottling (i.e. 5oz priming sugar)?  If so, that can cause overcarbonation.  I forget the rate, but you use much less sugar if priming in one large vessel.

I’ll have to ask her I will normally use about a third of a cup instead of the 5 oz.  But , I could see that being an easy mistake since they are sold in the 5 oz bags.

Worked on them last night, I depressurized the kegs fully and poured a little it of the first keg. It tasted a little flat, but no real off flavors that I could pick up.  I think I going let it sit on low pressure for a day or two, then force carbonate back to where it needs to be.

When priming kegs I use 3 oz table sugar at 70F.

Success the first beer is starting to taste like it’s supposed to. :D  Now on to the next one.