So our club is organizing an event with a local brewery and are going to be brewing for this National homebrew day. Question is ya think it would be OK to give away some of our homebrew to the spectators? I am from the state of idaho. Our laws say nothing of giving away beer. I suppose that we just need to make sure no one is under age who is partaking. We are doing it in a court yard at the brewery and no need for rule on drinking in public.
What state are you in? And are you giving away beer or wort?
I see Idaho - here is the link :
Good luck with this - the laws are not favorable to homebrew sharing
Native grown? Bit protective of their commodities.
Your brewery should be able to answer this. If they don’t know, they can contact their liquor control people. I suspect it’s their license that’s on the line.
We don’t here in NH but we brew in the parking lot of a homebrew store and nano-brewery, so there’s all kinds of issues with that. I think it’s better to be on the safe side rather than get your host into any legal troubles.
I’m curious what kind of issues there are? “Brewing in the parking lot” means mashing and boiling and chilling, right? Cooking, basically?
The brewing part is no problem. I was referring more to the sampling and giving out beer. There’s a lot of archaic laws up here in the Northeast, but it is getting better.
Yeah our club sets up a 12 tap bar with rotating kegs all day during the brew day. I think it’s technically not 100% legit because I think the law in MI states you can only give out samples to ‘members of a club’.
THIS^^^^^ is the correct answer.
This is the answer. It’s their license that could be at risk. If they think it’s OK, it’s probably low risk of actually getting in trouble if your giving small samples, being responsible, and not advertising free beer.