I’m going to buy a compact fridge in the next couple days to turn into a kegerator. You’re advice would be much appreciated. I have the supplies for either attaching two standard faucets directly on the door, or a dual faucet tower on top of the fridge.
My concern is that often these compact fridges have the freezer compartment located on the top portion of the fridge. If I drill through the top to install the beer tower will I mess the fridge up?
Should I just attach faucets directly on the door instead of installing a tower?
Below are some compact fridges I’m considering. Any fridge model suggestions would be appreciated.
I have a beer fridge in my garage where I can keep two beers on tap. I like it because it has a freezer to store my hops and it also happens to be in my garage where I brew. I used two Perlick SS faucets right throught the door as shown.
Haier does make a kegerator fridge. The beauty of it is there is no hump to deal with and there is already a hole for a tower. Pricey but may be on craigs list.
Myself? I have a Sanyo 4912 and it will hold two cornies. Has not given me a single problem in over 4 years. Given the choice again I would spring for the Haier. It’ll hold a full 15.5 gallon keg I believe…
I also have a Sanyo 4912. It has worked very well for me. It does not have the freezer compartment at the top like most compact fridges do. Before I bought it I was going to add taps into it. After I bought it I didn’t really feel like drilling into a nice, new fridge. I just use picnic faucets on the kegs I put in there.
I recommend you the Haier and GE.These two brands design and sell compact refrigerator for many years.Before you make choice,you should read some reviews about compact refrigerator.Then you are able to choose the best one.
To those looking at this old forum…I’m all for being crafty and getting your build on, but if you mess up moving the freezer portion you brick the whole unit. Most small refridge do not have a fill valve to charge with new refridgerant if you crack/crease the freezer tube. You can buy new kegerators with a warranty specific to it being a kegerator. Here’s what I use Bathroom, Kitchen - Faucets, Sinks, Hardware - Build with Ferguson
Dual taps, tank stores on the back, full half keg or two 7gal (reg or slim), usually free shipping, $600-$700.
I built mine from a Magic Chef I got at HD. It was a 4.5cf I believe. Biggest mini fridge they had. Was about $150. The interior door panel had to go. Then I used one inch aluminum strap to make door seal reinforcements. The light/thermostat had to be relocated. The cooling is all done by the freezer shelf, which must be gently bent down and back by hand. Then some carving must be done on the interior to be able to fit two cornys. When you drill the tower hole use a hole saw adjusted so the center tap is barely past the saw. Only cut through the exterior skin first, then use a knife to gently cut through the insulation. You’re exploring for wire and tubing. If you find any just move it out of the way.
I’m happy with my setup but if I went back in time I would build from a chest freezer with a controller and have two taps plus room to lager and carb spare kegs.
Made mine from a Danby 440 mini-fridge. No freezer to worry about, and a clear spot on the top without coils underneath makes it perfect for a twin tap tower. Removed the inner door shelf panel and cut out the bottom shelf support from the side walls. Holds a 5lb tank of C02 and either two cornies or a cornie and a 1/6bbl Sanke keg.
I did this with my first mini-fridge. I think I bought it for $40. Worked well, but the thermostat or something failed on me eventually. It would cool, but not consistently. Junked it, picked up a used 4912 for $100 and it’s been working great for years.
My only problem is I think the kids mess with it (just the fridge, not the beer) and leave the door cracked open. At least I think it’s the kids. Every now and then I need to shut it down and defrost it because it’s been cracked open overnight. Pure operator error and not an inherent flaw in the fridge.
If I get another it will be a full-size over/under job so I have freezer space for hops and plenty of storage for kegs, bottles, etc.