I’ve got a system set up with a 10 gallon rectangular cooler for 6 gallon batch mashing. My brew kettle is a converted 1/2 keg. I want to move up from 6 gal. to 10 gal. batches, and I think the brew kettle will be fine, but I need a bigger mash tun. It’s a RIMS system, no need for direct heat, so I’d like to stick with a cooler for a mash tun.
Love the coleman xtreme. The 70qt is a big tun… for 5 gallon batches, I’m not sure I would recommend it. For big beers, fine… but 8lbs of malt for a pale ale or pils would get lost in there!
I keep my original 40 quart for mashing 18lbs or less. I have squeezed 36lbs at 1.2 qt/lb in the big one. I would say it was 1lb to much as doughing in got a bit messy.
I’m surprised at the suggestion of a 70 qt. Coleman extreme. It’s no bigger, maybe not as big, as the cooler I’m using now. Isn’t a larger cooler available? Thanks,
Oops, thanks all. I miss-calculated. 70 qt is huge, and will do me just fine. I’ll probably buy a blue Coleman Extreme when I get the time for a little project. Thanks a ton! See you all in Grand Rapids.