Need help clarifying beer

I have a cream ale that is 5 weeks old and will not drop clear. I have never had problems with my beer getting sparkling clear. But this one just won’t drop. It is carbonated and I need to serve it in a couple weeks. What can I do?

What yeast? Gelatin may get you there.

Try Knox Gelatin from the grocery store.

There are instructions in this article (a long with other options for clearing beer):

Could it be contaminated?

No contamination, tastes perfectly good. In fact this happened in the last 2 batches, I’ve made it before with no problems. I used 1272 yeast.

doesn’t help now but could be a pH issue in the mash.

Biofine clear (silicic acid). Not sure why more homebrewers aren’t using this over gelatin. Works faster and better.

I’ll have to try that

I used Biofine clear on a German pils that I have on tap now, and it works as advertised. I’ll have to post a pic. I’ve always had good luck with gelatin too, but this is less time consuming - no mixing and ‘blooming’. I put a small amount in the bottom of the keg and rack on top. Clear in a day or two.

Thanks guys I’ll try the biofine

What’s a small amount?

They give a range of (I think) 1/4 tbsp - 2tbsp per 5 gallons. I decided to use 1 tbsp as a starting point and it worked great.

Concur with Biofine.  Works very well even with low flocc yeast.  1tbsp.  Boom.  Clear beer.  Leaves enough yeast in suspension to bottle carbonate at that dose, so far.

Gelatin is so cheap it’s almost free.

FWIW, Biofine is a little more $ than gelatin, but still cheap :

In that case, I don’t know why more people aren’t using it!