I am in the process of converting a danby mini fridge into a 2 keg kegerator. I recently purchased a used double beer tower online to use as part of the build. Turns out it is http://www.micromatic.com/draft-keg-beer/towers-pid-D4743DTKR.html model that I got for $80! I had planned on using copper pipes to cool the tower but now I’m not sure what to do with all the tubing already in the tower. I guess it was glycol cooled. It has 2 metal tubes with barbs and 2 PEX type tubing tubes all about 18-24" long coming from the tower. How should I go about cooling the tower and also how should I clean the lines. Open to all thoughts and suggestions, thanks.
Micro Matic has specialty fans just for that purpose. They pick up cold air on the bottom of the fridge and pump it up the tower. I have adapted its use to cool the shanks on my kegerator.
To use with the glycol lines or to use instead of copper pipes? I know people will use fans to circulate air but I thought that was the point of using the pipes?
For a two tap tower on top of a mini fridge, glycol cooling might be more trouble and expense than it’s worth.
Depending on where you live, a small fan and some rubatex insulation may be all you need.
+1 to using a fan. Cheap low maintenance
For sure change the lines. You have no idea how well they were managed in the past. Line is cheap and worth it compared to dumping a batch.
Im not wanting to use glycol. I was wondering if I should just take out the lines and put the copper pipes in place like I originally planned to avoid using a fan.
The lines are stainless steel with a barb on the end so changing them is not going to be an option
I take it you’re thinking the copper will conduct cold up into the tower? Others here have tried that and found it doesn’t work very well. A old computer fan with a tube to direct cold air into the tower is cheap and easy.
sounds good, already have the copper so Ill just toss in a computer fan as well