New brew pot suggestions

I’m looking at upgrading my brew pot to stainless steel, any suggestions? I manly do 5 gal all grain. I’v been using the turkey fryer pot that comes with the burner.

I like my 8.5 gallon pot I got for under 90 on line from a well known supplier. I’ve added a blickman brewmometer, spigot valve, and screen tube from same source.

“Freedom is temporary unless you are also Brave!” - Patriot

Get a keggle.

This is the one I’ve got, can’t be beat…

I suggest you get something with a sight tube or sight tube ready. my volume levels got better instantly. and yes I tried using a stick to measure but like being able to just glance.

Do you ever plan to brew 10 gallon batches? What’s your budget?

I’m pretty much in the same boat as you.  I just started brewing and plan on staying with 5 gallon batches.  So I bought a Boilermaker Brew Kettle from Blichmann.  Here’s the link:  Beer Home Brewing Equipment & Supplies

I have the 10 gallon Megapot from Northern Brewer with brewometer and ss ball valve.  I only do 5 gallon batches as well.

Solid kettle.  Sometimes with my 90 minute boils, it can get really close to the top but a little Fermcap-S and a spray bottle in hand takes care of that.

I have an 8-gallon megapot which is perfect for 5-gallon batches.

Another decently-priced option:

I’ve got a 15-gallon for my kettle and its pretty well made. They’ve raised their prices a bit, so the Megapot or MoreBeer’s SS Economy kettle might be a better option:

Of course - if you’ve got a more expanded budget: Go Blichmann.

Actually it can (at least on price). I have a Bayou Classic pot - though mine is 62 quarts.

I’ve got an 8 gallon Megapot that I normally do 3 gallon batches in but have done a couple of 5 gallon batches with no problem.  I was lucky enough to get mine off Craigslist for $50 and it came with a thermometor and ball valve.  I’ve very happy with the Megapot, however, those Blichmann kettles sure are nice.

Edit:  Although I didn’t have any issues with the few 5 gallon batches I’ve done, when I start to move to brewing mainly 5 gal batches, I will be getting a 10 gallon kettle.

To me, the Bayou Classic does not beat the Megapot (the Amazon link I provided for the Update International pot is the exact same pot as the Megapot, the Megapot even has the Update International sticker on it).  The Megapot is much heavier gauge steel than the Bayou and the big plus is the Megapot has the SS-AL-SS sandwich bottom which distributes the heat more evenly.

I have a 12 gallon stainless pot that I use for 5 gallon batches.  It’s big enough I can go to larger batches if I was to and I (almost) never have to worry about a boil over.


Fair points. I’ve never been disappointed with mine though.

I have the 60 quart version of this one.  It is very well made and a good deal.

Thanks for the input so far! I do like the Blichmann Bollermaker 10 gal, with all the options but a bit on the pricey side. I like the keggle too, but it looks so big. I think a sight glass is a must have option.

In priority I think a big pot is #1, #2 is drain, #3 is screen, #4 is thermometer and #5 is sight tube

“Freedom is temporary unless you are also Brave!” - Patriot

A sight glass is nice, but I certainly don’t consider it a must have.

Very cool but something to clean and leak and break.

“Freedom is temporary unless you are also Brave!” - Patriot