New Orleans Beer Spots?

Besides NOLA brewing, anyone have any suggestions for places to go for quality beer?


There is a small chain called bulldog that offer 15% off with AHA membership.

Avenue Pub was OK, craft beer and a balcony that looks over St. Charles.

I also like the Avenue and both of the two Bulldog pubs, although I prefer the one near City Park as opposed to the one on Magazine.  There’s DBA on Frenchman with a good selection.

Haven’t been to NOLA in a few years but I really liked Crescent City Brewing. German brewer, mostly lagers(go figure) - good ones, at least when I was there. I remember having, ummm…several. It was hot.  :wink:

Cooter Brown’s is a tavern and oyster bar uptown in the Riverbend part of town.  Pretty darn good beer list.

It was our go-to spot while I was in school many years ago, and it’s still going strong (went back for a visit last November).  Also suggest a stop at the Camellia Grill which is only a block away.  Old habits die hard.

Hangout and drink:
Avenue Pub
Courtyard Brewing
NOLA Brewing Tap Room (if you’ve only been to the brewery before)

Stein’s Deli (there’s a decent selection in the cooler to go with the food, but the beer room out the back door to the right has a lot more)
Elio’s Wine Warehouse
World of Beer (Metairie)

If you’re willing/able to venture across the Causeway:
Old Rail Brewing (Mandeville)
Barley Oak (Mandeville)

They added a little ‘higher end’ beer selection in their new section (bar within a bar) with the unfortunate name of Snooty Cooter (sounds like a VD) within the past few months.  I would only pick it over the Avenue if it was much closer, though.

Awesome!  Thanks so much for the suggestions.  Were able to hit a few places.  Thanks again!  Cheers.