I recently brewed an IPA and kegged it. Ready to go in a couple of days. Finally after my two scrapped beers (don’t ever use garden hose to fill your wort on brewing day people!) This batch tastes good (obviously flat still.) my kegerator is looking good.
congrats! Enjoy and get started on that next batch. Is that a Martin guitar case? Just curious because I own a Martin and I cherish it.
Actually a Yamaha case. And thanks by the way
Looks cool to me congrats on the new “home”.
It don’t get much better than a kegerator with duct tape.
OK, well a kegerator, with duct tape AND good beer inside.
Very nice. Whats the duct tape covering up? Looks like a bumper sticker or something. Inquiring minds you know…
The duct tape is covering up little screw holes and the main hole for my tap (that now is installed.) everything is working well. Got a good head retention on my beer. Thanks for the other thread on forced carbonation. I am looking to buy a used single door fridge for future “megarator”. I’ll supply pix when it happens. Here is the inside by the way:
Whats in the guitar case?
Nothing…but my kegerator has some fresh IPA in it! Yum!