I am new to brewing, I started brewing ciders about eight months ago. I have not made a batch I really like yet and I’m trying to see what I might be doing wrong. I have read several websites and forums and it seems everyone’s methods are a little different and some contradict each other, or just don’t explain some of the small but important details.
I started making one gallon batches with organic apple juice from Earthfare, comes in a one galling glass jug so no need to buy a carboy. I have have made about 10 one galling batches. I have been adjusting my method along the way and it has gotten better, but not great. I have two five gallon batches from a local orchard currently in secondary. I will explain what I have done so far and what I plan to do and see if anyone has any advice what might be wrong.
On 11/14, a local orchard filed my sanitized plastic carboys (I use PBW to clean and Star San to sanitize) with unpasteurized, no preservative, cider from their press. (Plastic carboys is what I had and the guy in the local brew store said he has never gotten an off taste from them.) For future batches I will probably use a bucket for primary. Both batches had a SG of 1.054. I decided not to add any additional sugars, such as brown sugar like I had in the past, since it was already a relatively high SG. I added 5 tsp of yeast nutrient in each batch and in one a packet of Lalvin EC-1118 and the other a packet of Lalvin 71B-1122. (Previous batches I had used Nottingham or S-23 but decided to change it to wine yeast based on other’s suggestions. I have read arguments for using either beer or wine yeasts.) I put an airlock on top and put them in a basement closet that had temperatures from 65-69.
Six days later, 11/20, both batches were around SG 0.998, I forgot to write it down so I don’t remember the exact SG, but it was under 1. Even though I had left some head space both batches bubbled out of the airlock. I racked both batches into new cleaned and sanitized plastic carboys (again didn’t have glass, but the one gallon batches were in glass and didn’t taste very good so I didn’t think that was the factor), leaving behind everything that had settled out. To minimize head space in secondary I added glass marbles until the cider was up to the neck of the jug. I then put the batches back into the same basement closet where they still remain (still 65 in there even though it’s 20s outside).
This weekend, 12/16, approximately four weeks in secondary, I plan to bottle. I will rack into a bucket or another carboy to get it off the sentiment, I will add some brown sugar to raise the SG to around 1.002 to 1.004, so I can get some carbonation. I never cold crashed or used potassium metabisulfite to remove the yeast. I have 12 oz bottles up to 1 L flip top bottles to fill. I will then leave the bottled cider in my basement again for at least four weeks. However, one of my thoughts is that I have not been letting my cider sit long enough in the bottles. Should I wait several months before drinking rather than one?
Another issue I thought might effect it was oxidation. I have left little head space in secondary, but while racking into secondary I am holding the siphon tube at the top of the carboy and letting the cider fall all the way to the bottom. Would this aerate the cider and cause oxidation? Also would adding the marbles and letting them fall into the cider to the bottom introduce oxygen into the cider?
Thank you for reading my long post, any advice would be greatly appreciated.