New to Kegging

I am new to kegging and am in the process of converting a freezed as per the directons on this site:
I plan on starting my first lager this weekend. What I am missing though is some guidance on how to actually keg. I have consulted “New Brewing Lager Beer” by Noonan and the classic"Joy of Home Brewing" by Papazian
Can anyone point me to a website that will step me through the process from secondary fermenter to pint glass?


  1. Siphon from primary/secondary to keg.
  2. Set CO2 regulator to desired pressure (
  3. Seal keg lid and connect CO2.
  4. Pull keg PRV for a few seconds to remove air.
  5. Optionally, shake keg to get faster carbonation.
  6. After a few days to a week, attach beer-out line and start pouring.

There is also the whole cleaning process to think about, which, luckily with the cornelius kegs, we have all the equipment we need.  When I first started kegging I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube.  I pretty much do Chris Knights process verbatim.


you probably also need:
CO2 tank
CO2 regulator
Corny keg
Line IN with gas connector
Line OUT with beer connector tap.

Micro Matic
CO2 Tanks


How long will one 5lb tank last before I need to refill/exchange it?
According to this
it should be about 10 kegs.
and Micro Matic says it is 15 to 22 5 Gal kegs.
The Micro Matic Touch: The Best Quality Beverage Dispensing Systems

I almost forgot.
You also need temp control your freezer.
You can get temp controller at Ranco store:

Single stage controller is here:
Dual Stage controller is here:
If you prefer Johnson controller you can buy it there too:
Some people like LOVE controllers.

Thanks for the replies. The video is a great tool, and answers most of my questions.

This is some of the best kegging info I’ve run across.  I followed when I started kegging 10 years ago and got great results.

Yes they have been great help when I started kegging.