NHC 2014

I just received my scoresheets back for the NHC. I am wondering as this is only my second competition if a overall score of 34 is something to be proud of?

It’s certainly not bad.  Usually you need to be up around a 38 to medal in a competition, but a 34 is pretty good.  It basically means your beer was generally well brewed and mostly to style.  Not sure with the quick evaluation sheets, but hopefully they gave some indication on the sheets on how you could improve it a bit to score better next time :smiley:

I generally am dissappointed if I score under a 38, but content if it’s over 30… Stuff happens… When I score under 30 I can get grumpy :wink: … but I suppose OCCASIONALLY maybe you get an infected bottle or something… meh.

This weekend is my first competition and my first judging. But I did send an ABA to a rather well known homebrewer/ judge last winter. I was told it was an upper 30s beer and enjoyable enough that he forgot he was supposed to take feedback notes. I was proud, but the three I sent to Seattle are far superior,  so I’m excited to see how they do.

I’m in the group of brewers who just think it’s great that your beer doesn’t suck. But always searching for improvement and perfection doesn’t exist. At least not permanently

Did you send yours to KC? I kinda forgot about it. Hope I get mine this week too. Depending on the style if I would be happy with a 34. I say either way it couldn’t have been bad! I’m always nervous about the shipping and handling.

I’m surprised you got score sheets already.  I thought they didn’t send them until all of the first round was done

Yes I live in KC. I didn’t have to worry about shipping thank goodness. And my beer was a Belgian Blond.

Score sheets are sent as soon as possible for the first round site. Some are quicker than others.

The official results are released at once for all the site by Janis Gross.

34 is a decent score.  I’ve medaled in competitions with low 30 scores before.  And in these days of mini-BOS, it is definitely conceivable that a 34 can beat a higher score.

Look over the judges comments and see if you can see what they mentioned that knocked off some points.  But remember, judging is very subjective but usually there are some very helpful tips in there.

34 is a good result for anyone and very good for someone without a lot of competition experience.

I advanced one in 2nd at 36 this year and was cobrewer on another that advanced in 3rd at 36.  won a couple categories with 38 and 39.

I don’t know the score of the 1st place entry in Cat 18, but my coworker had the 2nd place Dubbel that scored 37.
…you’re not far off at all.  Nice job!

Hey all, I’m the KC NHC site director and everyone should have their score sheets by Friday (April 4th).  For the 1st time this year you will not have to wait to see the list of winners.  The AHA will be posting each site’s results as they are completed.  You should expect to see our KC site winners list on the AHA page possibly today or tomorrow.

To the OP:  The mid 30’s is often a competitve score depending on the category.  So good job.  The 1st thing I look at if my beer did not place is whether it made it to the mini-BOS.  If that box is checked it tells you your beer was in the top one to 3 beers in that flight.  Then the best beers in the flight are judged as a group by the most experienced judges to determine 1st to 3rd place.

too bad the voting didn’t last one more week…your and your team’s excellent performance in the First Round might have gotten you more Governing Committee votes.  or maybe you didn’t need any more.  8)

thanks for your hard work–

I’m plagued by style popularity. When I score a 35, it’s in a category that has a LOT of entries. Then again, I had a recent competition where I scored a 29 and there was only one other beer in my category… I did not place :). The other beer placed 2nd. I imagine in most competitions there is a score threshold that you must surpass to even be considered for placement and my 29 just didn’t get it. :wink:

Usually the minimum score threshold is for 1st place, and it’s generally a 30 or better.

That’s interesting. This particular comp had Multiple categories that had 3, 4, 5 entries but only had 1 or 2 brews place. They seemed to be quite picky. It was a GABF pro-am comp though. I wonder if that made any difference.

The last comp I entered (relatively small local one, maybe ~250 entries), the smallest categories were combined and judged together. So there might be a 1st and 3rd awarded in the Light Lager category, and the 2nd was in the Pilsner category. Confusing until you understand the way it works.

I got the lucky opportunity (after being one of the illustrious 124 who didn’t make the lottery) to be allowed to enter in KC. So I’m eagerly awaiting the mailman.

I’ve had a beer score in the 20s and then go on to win BOS at a large competition. Also had a beer score in the 20s then place 3rd in the NHC 1st round then place 1st in the NHC second round.

I would not put to much stock in a single score regardless of what it is. If you are interest in feedback it is better to enter the same beer many times than many beers once. You’ll converge on a consensus with enough scoresheets.

The scores themselves are hard to interpret. Some judges are generous, some are harsh. New judges tend to be afraid to get too far away from a 35 in either direction and lump everything around there.

For those who were judged already, are the results posted under your login at www.brewingcompetition.com ?

I haven’t seen the KC results up there yet.

Unless this was in the past, I thought that NHC was one of the few comps where placement/advancement DID require a score above 30.

I got my scores in the mail today from KC.  I have not seen them posted in entry site, or anywhere else yet.

On a happy note - got two through (Dortmunder and Mild) :slight_smile:

first or third for the mild?  both were very good…