NHC Cat26

I was daydreaming trying to wake up this morning and got to wondering which styles I might get assigned to judge. I wonder how hard it will be to find qualified judges who aren’t disqualified to judge Cat26 this year. With 11 sub cats it seems like very few judges won’t have an entry there. Then, of those who dont enter in Cat26, how many will really know their stuff on all 11 subcats? I’m very glad im not an organizer. Its not like it will be the end of the world, but seems like that will be a problem.

I still don’t like the decision to put American Wild into Specialty.

I ran the numbers for the last four years of KCBM comp. Two years (2013 & 2015) Am. Wild was not split out (because 2008 BJCP) and it garnered 6-8 entries. In 2014, we made Am. Wild our special extra category. Got 28 entries in a 587 entry comp. This year, it is its own 2015 BJCP category. We have 25 entries in a 542 entry comp.

Long story made short, if it’s own category people will enter the beers that have taken years go make. If not, why waste them by going up against the mess that is Specialty? I have 4-5 Am. Wilds that could go, but I’m torn between sending one or none.

Plus judging Am. Wild with all of the other subcats in there would be not so fun.

There will always be me. (at least for the second round)

The thought of giving away aged beers does have an effect, I think.  But I am entering a mixed ferment saison and will be bottling it off keg shortly to make sure I have enough for entering.  So, that will leave me out for first round judging.

I totally agree with this. Maybe this will change in the next year as more people show interest. It is tough to enter those in a typical specialty category and be judged properly.

it works both ways though.  I would never put my beers up against that mess in a comp where a medal is all I care about, so I’ll technically be eligible.  But I did Specialty in the Final Round last year so I may beg out for a year.