We’re still in need of judges and stewards for the NHC Final Round Judging in San Diego on June 11th. If you’re planning on attending the conference or if you able to travel to San Diego that day, consider signing up. Working with several high ranking and experienced judges and staff from all over the country is quite an experience. This year’s goal is to get all of the category judging completed in the morning session, leaving the best of show judging for the afternoon and allowing folks to enjoy the Homebrew Expo or the San Diego craft brew scene. Judging assignments will go to the highest ranking judges first, Grand Master, Master, and National in the past, but there is a chance that some Certified judges may be called upon.
If you have an entry in the final round you can sign up by logging into the NHC website here https://brewingcompetition.com/FINAL/index.php. You can indicate your willingness to judge or steward by clicking on the Edit My Info link under the My Info and Entries menu item at the top of the screen.
Unfortunately Bruce’s directions have a minor mistake in them. The only records in the Final Round app are the records of the advancing entrants, not everyone from the First Round.
If you had no advancing entries from the First Round competition, you will need to create your account in the Final Round app from scratch. Got to the Final Round app and click on the link in the blue box. You will need to create a username and password (you can probably use the same ones you had in the First Round) and then you can enter the information in your account.
Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for volunteering! I hope to see you in San Diego!
Your post is sending a mixed message. Why don’t you just come out say that you need more
National and above judges to sign up? Anyone who is detail oriented can steward a contest. One does not need to be a ranked judge to fill that role.
The takeaway I got was that they need certified and up, but then kind of a polite heads up that it will probably only be national and up sitting at BOS.
Sorry for the initial confusion. Unfortunately the system does not have the ability to send out auto email confirmations of registration. I will be sending out confirmation and scheduling email blasts starting next week though.
Actually I was just trying to be honest. We need judges and there is the possibility that some Certified judges might be called upon. Correct that one does not need to be ranked to be a steward, but this is an opportunity for judges to learn as well through stewarding. There are a lot of judges attending the conference that have not seen how a large competition is run.
Well, let me put this response in as non-coded language as I can muster. If I am not judging, I am not working. It’s that simple. As Gordon has mentioned many times, beer judging is not the same thing as bikini judging. Beer judging is work. In fact, working a contest in any capacity is work. NHC is the most expensive per person vacation that I will take this year. As an East Coaster, I am spending a boat load of money to attend the event. Judges and stewards are not getting “comped” for the conference, which means that they are paying to work. Many of the judges in my area who are attending the conference have stated that they will judge if needed, but would rather not do so for the same reason. None, and I mean none have expressed interest in stewarding the contest.
Husband had that same prerogative last year. I strongly suggested he steward (he was BJCP Novice or something at the time). The learning experience alone is worth it (and stewarding is easy - just sit there and listen to all of the way-more-experienced-than-you judges and soak it all in). Husband ended up stewarding and LOVED it. He is super excited to steward or judge this year (he is Certified now) - whichever Bruce needs.
I arrive late Tuesday; if Bruce needed me to give up the BJCP event on Wednesday I would. If I had to stay late on Thursday and missed the start of Pro Night, I would. If requested last minute to judge the SHiV’s, I would. Well, maybe not those.
Whatever Bruce needs.
Club Night has some cool beers. I always learn something in a seminar. Hoping to walk up to Janis to collect a medal is nerve-wracking but awesome. But nothing is as important to me as working with a huge collection of highly-ranked judges to give out some significant accolades. I’m higher ranked than most but I learn a ton. Every. Single. Year.
This is the defacto National Championship. The closest thing we’ve got to it. I love beer, and love to taste what people do with these styles. I’m always surprised, usually pleasantly so.
I am not missing anything else at the conference by donating my Thursday morning. I suppose I am missing some June Gloom down at the beach when I am judging. Beer is the raison d`etre for me at NHC, and I’ll immerse myself in as much of the experience as possible.
If this is work, then someone pile some more upon my desk.
That’s how it was last year. Judging and mini-BOS was the morning. I was Rank Pending at the time and judged. The only real parameter, from my recollection, they had from a ranking perspective was that they wanted a National or higher judge as part of each judging pair. Then the mini-BOS was only the higher ranking judges.
Thanks for sharing your reasons for not volunteering. Your argument against judging is more applicable to 8 or 9 years ago when the competition ran all day Thursday, and into Friday which really cut into the seminar tracks, and thus was a huge disincentive for people to judge.
This year, if all goes to plan, the score sheet judging and category BOS for all 28 categories will all be completed in the morning. The conference seminars don’t start until 12:45, so judging doesn’t even compete with the seminars. If you’re already in San Diego at the hotel, and probably awake quite early, why wouldn’t you volunteer to help out the competition?
Your chance of judging is drastically better if you sign up to volunteer ahead of time. Bruce is going to assign judges on Sunday, June 7, so sign up before that if you want to judge.
Also, just to let you know there are already some BJCP judges volunteering to be stewards in the competition, and for that I am very grateful. In a competition judged largely by very experienced judges, it helps to have stewards with more than a basic understanding of how a competition works.
Thanks to all of the volunteers in the First Round and in the Final Round! This competition could not happen with out your help!
Anyway, the choice is yours. See you in San Diego!
+1 To all Janis has said and to add my 2 cents.
I hope all that participate or not, don’t loose site of the fact that what you are doings is helping or not in the successful completion of the largest beer judging competition in the world. Yes, it is work and many of us, yes, even us stewards get our $$$ payback in just being part of it! Isn’t that what the AHA is about. That’s why it is called an Association.
So being that it is the largest competition going, wouldn’t you want your association to put up best of the best at each table. Judges and Stewards. Based on my experience at both NHC’s and local competitions, is early organization of getting judges and stewards signed up and assigned to tables that makes the big difference.
Step 1 - Eat breakfast
Step 2 - Look at the list for your table assignment
Step 3 - Judging of all categories styles is done by 12:30pm
Step 4 - Enjoy the rest of NHC!
Judging at the NHC finals is one of the coolest things I have gotten to do…twice. It was certainly not a burden. You meet other judges from all over the country(ies) and sometimes you sit at a table with someone like John Palmer. Hard to beat that!