I’m not talking about what speakers to see or what events to attend. I am more concerned on the veteran’s tips on surviving 3, possibly 4 or more days of drinking.
I know the old saying, “It’s a marathon, not a sprint”. And believe me, my intention is not to get full out wasted…I can do that a lot cheaper at home ;D I fly in on Tuesday, hitting BN7 on Wednesday, then the conference events Thurs-Sat and fly home on Sunday. I doubt I will ever leave the hotel/conference unless there is something close by.
What I would like to see are people’s tips like drinking in moderation ( yeah right! ), drinking water between each beer, or what is you best cure for a hangover ( I think I heard a big, greasy breakfast does wonders for that), etc. Any other tips would be appreciated.
Fred is correct. The AHA Governing committee, in concert with the AHA, spent a fun week or so exchanging emails and building a document about lessons learned from what collectively is probably over 100 years of AHA NHC experience ;D
Your email is on the right track on several key tips. Once the conference has started, one rarely needs to leave the hotel. Drink lots of water. Yeah, a big greasy breakfast sure seems to help. So does Vitiman B and asprin.
Anyway, it will be posted to the conference website prior to the actual event with these and several other good tips. See you there!
On the longest days of the year, you will not see much sun (regardless of where the NHC is).
Last year we used some of the advice in Gordon’s book, and had plenty of Propel before bed. Water and vitamin B at bedtime really helps. Buy packets of the dry powder before you go, easy to carry along, and you don’t have time to go shopping once things start.
Edit - the GC’s advice should be full of good tips. Some of these guys and gals have been to a bunch of NHC’s, and sometimes have to answer the demands of hitting all of the late night parties in the suites. It is sacrifice they make for all of us. Right Crispy?
We call it quits when the offical events are done, and miss some of the late night parties. A good nights rest is what it takes when you are on the far side of 50.
i can’t rightly recall nearly a year on from the event, but I think the earliest i got to bed in SD was around 3AM and the latest was sometime after 4:30AM after finally convincing a friend that since i was leading a panel at 9:30, I could probably stand to get a little sleep first!