NHC - how much beer for clubs to bring?

Hi experienced NHC attendee’s and hosts… how much beer does a club need to bring for something like club night or to be a hospitality suite host?

Last year in San Diego, my club (SNAFU), brought 27 kegs. 10 were used (not all kicked, but used) on club night and the hospitality suite kicked 8 kegs. Our hospitality suite was right after club night however

I sent 4 kegs to the hospitality suite last year and they all kicked quickly.  I’m not sure how many kegs total we went through, but it was a lot.  If your hospitality suite shift is before club night, don’t plan to have those beers available at club night.  Bring as much beer as possible :slight_smile:

Bring it all!

Our club is doing both the hospitality suite and club night this year.  Our goal is 50 kegs total.  I’ve committed to brew 5 of them.


Do you want to win the Golden Urinal (or what ever it is called)?  That takes a LOT of beer.

This brings up a totally unrelated question I’ve been mulling over.

Do you have to be affiliated with a club to pour beer in the hospitality suite? Or can I just show up with a few kegs and say, here you go?

You probably won’t be able to get a tap at the “official” bar, but there a people pouring their own beer all over the place.

That’s what I figured. I’ll probably bring just about everything I have kegged anyway (market research, right?). Have beer, will travel.

If you have beer, I will drink.

We’re planning on bringing 3 or 4 and pouring on club night.

I think our club is bringing 12-20 for Hospitality Suite and Club night. I need to come up with something tasty for my contribution of 5 gallons…

If you want to serve in something like the hospitality suite or club night, even if you are unaffiliated, we can find a way to hook you up.  Anyone who wants to bring some kegs to pour should send me a PM and we’ll work it out.

If you just want to walk around with a keg at random pouring beer for people, that’s cool too. :slight_smile: